Sunlighten Amplify
Schneller, tiefer, effizienter schwitzen.
Amplify-Besitzer:innen holen mehr aus ihrer Saunasitzung. Sie schwitzen effizienter und erholen sich schneller – dank des intensiven Erlebnis der Amplify-Vollspektrum-Sauna. Das schnellere Schwitzen und die nachweislich effektivste Ferninfrarottherapie von Sunlighten sorgt für maximale gesundheitliche Vorteile und Zeitersparnis zu einem erschwinglichen Preis.

SoloCarbon® und zusätzliche Heizelemente
Um gesundheitliche Vorteile wie Herzgesundheit und Detox zu erzielen, senden Infrarotstrahler eine hohe Konzentration der besten Infrarotwellen aus, die der menschliche Körper optimal aufnimmt. Sunlighten hat mit SoloCarbon® die Branche revolutioniert. Diese spezielle Beschichtung optimiert die Qualität und Quantität der verfügbaren Infrarotstrahlung. Unabhängige Tests beweisen, dass sie zu 99 % wirksam ist. Außerdem haben wir bei Amplify den Hitzefaktor durch zusätzliche Halogenstrahler erhöht, damit die Sauna schneller heißer wird.

Jede Sunlighten-Sauna bietet eine integrierte Chromotherapie, die Ihr Saunaerlebnis weiter verbessert und Ihr geistiges Wohlbefinden steigert. Chromotherapie lässt Ihre Sauna in den Farben des sichtbaren Lichtspektrums der Sonne erstrahlen. Es wird angenommen, dass sie mit verschiedenen Energiepunkten des Körpers in Einklang stehen und dadurch eine kunstvolle Atmosphäre mit harmonisierender Wirkung erzeugen.

Entspannen Sie beim Saunieren mit Musik dank Soundsystem und Lautsprechern von Blaupunkt. Sie können Radio hören oder über Bluetooth eine Verbindung zu Ihren eigenen Geräten herstellen. Die Kabine wird zu Ihrem eigenen Tonstudio, egal ob Sie Ihre Meditationsmusik streamen oder Ihren Lieblingspodcast hören.

Verweilen Sie in überlegener Qualität
Wir gehen bis ans Ende der Welt, um die besten Materialien für die hochwertigsten Saunaeinrichtungen der Welt zu bauen. Jede Infrarotsauna von Sunlighten wird aus hochwertigem, handverlesenem Holz anhand makelloser, innovativer Konstruktionstechnologie gefertigt. Diese Liebe zum Detail ist wirklich einzigartig in unserer Branche.
Innovative Technologie
Bei Infrarotstrahlern gibt es feine Qualitätsunterschiede. Die patentierte SoloCarbon-Heiztechnologie von Sunlighten liefert Infrarotenergie in herausragender Qualität und Quantität. Damit lassen sich klinisch erprobte Gesundheitsvorteile erzielen.
Bestätigungen der Wellnessbranche

I’ve used my Sunlighten at least 500 times over the last few years. Every time I use it, I come out stronger, faster, thinner and happier. This is a really important biohack if you want to live a long time.

As an athlete and health and wellness coach, my Sunlighten Sauna is amazing for muscle recovery, helping me come back stronger and build muscle over time. Plus, having a space to decompress, at the end of the day, or before or after a workout, is great for mental clarity.

For me Sunlighten is one of the best brands in the sauna space, they only use the best quality, non-toxic materials, and I’ve got huge love for the team there.

Sunlighten saunas are a game changer for reducing cortisol (stress hormone), inflammation in the body and help the body naturally and effectively shed weight by bringing the body back into balance. The patented technology Sunlighten developed is clinically backed and are a serious part of my wellness arsenal. I highly recommend them to my clients.

I kept hearing great things about Infrared saunas from people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. So I trialed a Sunlighten a few times and loved it so much that I bought my own! Having a sauna on hand builds more confidence and control on your health mission. After a 45 min session I feel refreshed, renewed and happy! It's definitely something I recommend at Rheumatoid Solutions.

I love my mPulse Infrared sauna and since using it a few times each week I have more energy, my body detoxes better and my skin is clear and glowing! Definitely one of my favourite biohacks for longevity.

With Sunlighten, you can escape the bleak midwinter weather, recharge, relax and heal at the same time. For me, the heat has been a faithful friend during times of low energy or apathy. Two interesting side notes are my heart rate variability (HRV) stats tend to curve up after use (good news) and I tend to sleep more deeply afterwards (even better news)

Infrared saunas are very effective in reducing the stress response and creating balance in the autonomic nervous system. They can improve circulation, help with weight loss, balance blood sugar, and improve detoxification—each of which improves your brain function.

It’s one of my mental health brain hacks that has helped me so much to relax and wind down from the pressures of life. My metabolism and clarity of thought have improved, and I have so much energy after a Sunlighten sauna session!

Infrared saunas detox most efficiently. They penetrate deeper than regular saunas, exciting fat molecules to vibrate and release toxins. Sunlighten is my favorite sauna; I believe they have the best technology and quality. I have one at home and use it daily.

A Sunlighten purchase was up there with top ever buys. Enabling me to have daily access to a therapy that positively changes how I feel and function. Skin is more luminous, body less achy and mood lifted. Love it.

There is a mountain of evidence on infrared sauna use showing that it is as foundational as diet and exercise. Sauna use is a miracle practice. I love my sauna. I use it. I benefit from it.

Infrared sauna is a safe, gentle way to support overall health, sexual health and vitality. Sunlighten provides the best technology. They've been hand-building personalized saunas for 20+ years. The mPulse 3 in 1 is one of the most thoughtful investments you can make for your health.

I’m a long-time believer of infrared sauna therapy and its natural healing benefits. I love the Sunlighten brand and have been using my infrared sauna for years.

I use my Sunlighten Sauna two or three times a week, every week. As a busy executive and mom, I have very few minutes to myself. Nothing helps me relax and detox in the little time I have available like my personal sauna!

Four months after I began saunaing regularly, my high morning blood sugar normalized. My last blood test showed my insulin as normal. I credit my sauna for supporting my blood sugar when it didn’t adequately respond to diet, lifestyle, and supplements.

After looking into numerous infrared saunas, I chose Sunlighten because of their most effective SoloCarbon infrared technology, quality of materials and the enjoy vs. endure sauna experience. I believe that Sunlighten has the best sauna for you.

When I purchased my Solo I was nervous if I'd use it enough to justify the investment. Years later, I still happily use my sauna weekly, as does my family. It's snuggly and relaxing. I get a healthy sweat in the convenience of my own home. I love having a home sauna. I know I'm investing in my short and long-term health each time I use it.

Infrared saunas can quickly help you get back to feeling amazing. Sauna therapy has been around for centuries to detoxify, but infrared saunas go even further, heating up your body’s core at a cellular level, where most toxins are stored. That’s why my Bulletproof Biohacking lab has an mPulse 3 in 1.

The more I’ve researched saunas, the more I’ve realised that not all infrared saunas are created the same. I’m a lover of research, case studies, and facts, which is one reason I like Sunlighten. Their products are based on extensive research combined with personal experience.

Unsere heißeste Sauna, der kompakte Raum, lässt eine Person mit der effektivsten Infrarot-Technologie von Sunlighten schwitzen, die entwickelt wurde, um die Vorteile für Ihren Körper am effizientesten und kostengünstigsten zu maximieren.
- Außenbreite: 1,293 mm
- Äußere Tiefe: 1,167 mm
- Außenhöhe: 1,973 mm
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