Produits Vedettes
mPulse Smart Sauna
Optimise your well-being in Sunlighten's premier, patented 3 in 1 infrared sauna, with integrated red light, delivered through 6 pre-set health programmes in optimal dosages. Support your goals, create routines, and enjoy in-sauna entertainment. The mPulse Smart Sauna will make you want to sauna more. It’s why you want one in your home for the ultimate wellness gift.
Solo System
The Solo® System surrounds your body with the transformative benefits of Sunlighten's premier far infrared technology in a unique wellness cocoon (9 heaters over and under you). It's the same patented infrared in our cabins, refitted into this smaller, personal-size infrared sauna. Cosy and convenient, easily nests to fit into a corner or a closet.
Signature Far Infrared
For simplicity and superior far infrared, give yourself a Sunlighten Signature home sauna. In your peaceful sanctuary, enjoy a deep cellular detox and support your overall wellness with the push of a button. The Signature offers affordability and our perfected SoloCarbon® heating technology delivering the highest quality and quantity of far infrared heat.
Amplify Full Spectrum
You’ll sweat deep, sweat fast and feel productive in an Amplify full spectrum sauna. You save time plus get the maximum physical benefits of Sunlighten’s proven most-effective full spectrum infrared therapy quicker and in a more intense, hotter heat amplified by halogen heaters at an affordable price.
Save up to £200 on your sauna purchase!* Mention code "DrHyman" for discount.
*Discount only applies to United Kingdom and Ireland
When it comes to infrared saunas, Sunlighten is my go-to brand. Their saunas reduce inflammation throughout the body—a key contributor to many chronic diseases associated with aging—and lower the risk of both heart disease and stroke.
What is a Smart Sauna?
Our Smart Sauna takes personalised wellness to a whole new level. With data-driven programmes using specific blends of far, mid and near infrared and red light therapy, it seamlessly adapts to your health goals, providing tailored sessions for optimal results. See inside the sauna and hear our infrared sauna consultant explain the cutting-edge features and unparallelled benefits that give you an experience like no other.
As Presented In
Save up to £200 on your sauna purchase!* Mention code "DrHyman" for discount.
*Discount only applies to United Kingdom and Ireland
Quel sauna me convient le mieux?
Pour choisir le bon sauna, il faut tenir compte de votre mode de vie et de vos objectifs en matière de santé et de longévité. Que vous souhaitiez vous détendre, vous détoxifier en profondeur ou inverser votre âge biologique, les saunas infrarouges Sunlighten vous aideront à atteindre les objectifs de votre parcours de bien-être. De la perte de poids à la récupération musculaire et au rajeunissement de la peau, notre technologie infrarouge brevetée restaurera votre corps et votre esprit.
Sélectionnez vos besoins en matière de prestations de santé et le nombre de personnes que vous souhaitez accueillir dans votre sauna pour connaître les options qui vous conviennent le mieux.