Susan Peirce Thompson standing by her Sunlighten sauna
January 03, 2023

Susan’s Infrared Sauna Story for Weight Loss

Weight Loss, Life Stories, Longevity

Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, is an expert on the science of weight loss and eating psychology. She has personal experience losing weight after a life-long battle with obesity. Her program, Bright Line Eating®, has helped many apply the principles and research for results. In this video, Susan explains why she loves infrared sauna as a weight loss tool and more.

Sunlighten Sauna Testimonial from Susan Pierce Thompson

Infrared Sauna “Field Trip” with Susan Peirce Thompson: Why she loves her sauna for weight loss

In this video, you'll discover:

0:18     Intro to IR sauna benefits

1:15      2 tips for basic sauna use

2:57     “Field trip” to see Susan’s sauna

4:52     What she does in her sauna

5:08     Her sauna weight loss success

6:41     Explains the built-in health programs

8:35    Why this technology is easy for everyone

11:25   How to begin saunaing

16:15   Sauna boosts metabolism, helps with plateaus

Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and an expert in the psychology of eating. She is President of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss and the Founder and CEO of Bright Line Eating Solutions. Her program utilizes cutting-edge research to explain how the brain blocks weight loss and every day she teaches people how to undo that damage so they can live Happy, Thin, and Free.

We are so thankful to Susan Peirce Thompson for sharing her story and her expertise—one more example of her commitment to helping people achieve the health and vibrancy that accompany permanent weight loss.

Recommended Resources

New York Time’s Best-seller Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin and Free Weekly Vlog

Sauna Discount Code

Mention "BrightLineEating" to get a discount.

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WRITTEN BY: Sunlighten

En mettant en lumière la technologie infrarouge, Sunlighten® est le choix numéro 1 pour des traitements personnalisés par lumière infrarouge. Depuis 1999, nous nous engageons à innover des produits et services de bien-être qui permettent à nos clients d'améliorer leur qualité de vie. Notre technologie brevetée SoloCarbon® rajeunit le corps en délivrant la plus haute dose d'énergie infrarouge au corps - prouvée efficace à 99 %. Nos innovations technologiques sont alimentées par notre passion de faire la différence. Et nous construisons une communauté mondiale d'entreprises, de consommateurs et d'experts de confiance pour se soutenir mutuellement et rendre le monde plus sain et plus heureux.

Les saunas Sunlighten ne sont pas des dispositifs médicaux tels que définis par la section 201(h) du Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act. Sunlighten fournit des informations générales relatives à diverses conditions médicales uniquement à titre informatif et ne se veut pas un substitut aux conseils fournis par un médecin ou un autre professionnel de la santé qualifié. Veuillez consulter votre médecin pour tout diagnostic ou traitement.